Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kiss Me Deadly (Book 1 of the Bewitching the Dark Series) by Michele Hauf

This is an amazing story about mortal enemies: vampires and witches. Ravin Crosse is a witch, and for centuries witches have had an immense protection spell against vampires. Their blood. Just a drop will reduce a vampire to dust, rather quickly. Ravin is a hunter, her life's mission to rid the world of as many vampires as she can before she dies. She's so serious about her profession that she loans out her soul to the devil Himself so she can have the Sight. The sight enables Ravin to see vampires for who they are, thus allowing her to steer clear of mortals.

One unfortunate night Nikolaus Drake, leader of his own tribe, was having a meeting with his fellow vampires in an alley. Ravin attacked, using an arsenal of blood-tipped bullets, bringing many of his friends down immediately. He tries to help a mortal that was with them, struck by a bullet. As he dodges behind a dumpster a bullet hits the wall behind him and he's hit with blood. He turns to his mortal friend, apologises, and feeds, hoping against hope that he could survive. His heart stops and yet he keeps drinking. Will he survive?

He does. And while he's on the slow road to recovery for months, his anger brews against the witch, and he vows to get her and make her pay. He's different now, he came back from the dead, again, and he's now a very special kind of vampire, a phoenix. He has survived a witch's blood, meaning the rules no longer apply when it comes to being invited in her home, and her protection spells and wards are also nothing to a phoenix.

As Nikolaus prepares to attack, Ravin is making a love spell, as one of her 3 reqirements of Himself to regain her soul. In their initial struggle, the love spell spills over Ravin, entering her blood stream. Since he's now a phoenix he can drink her blood, and he did, immediately realizing he made such a fatal mistake by hurting the one he loves.

As time passes they become very involved with one another, but then what happens when the spells breaks?

I really hope you read this story, it was really, really, hmm hmm good, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series as well.


MrsMixx said...

ohhhhh i've seen this one on amazon! I think, yeah i think i have it on my iphone, it was a free read but i haven't read it yet. I've been lurking at this series for a while but haven't yet took the step to reading it.
Now i'm all excited about it!

Stories of a Phoenix said...

I admit it was a bit apprehensive at first because I knew that Nikolaus's anger would come back as soon as the spell ended, leaving them right back to square one. But it was a great journey :)