This book is an absolute hoot. 5 out of 5 stars. Jane is the same witty, sarcastic girl we came to love in book 1, but things are evolving now.
Zeb is getting married to Jolene, a werewolf. Jane is the maid of honor, forced to wear the most hideous dress she's ever seen. But that's not the worst of her problems. The Black Widow (Grandma Ruthie) just lost another fiance to a rather suspicious natural death, and Wilbur is jumping to the chance to take his place. When Jane notices pig's blood, she gets curious.
Turns out Wilbur has a very fruitful past with his former wives as well, giving the Black Widow a run for her money.
So Jane has to keep a wedding from derailing, keep Wilbur from killing her grandmother, and maintain a relationship with her boyfriend and sire, Gabriel.
I highly recommend this series, and if you happen to have a sense of humor, you will find yourself laughing constantly.