Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dreamfever (Book 4 of the Fever Series) by Karen Marie Moning

Enthusiastic 5 out of 5 stars. Another beef with this series is a cliffhanger. Unfortunately the final installment of this series is not going to be released unil January, so if cliffhangers bother you, like they really bother me, you may want to hold off for a bit.
Mac has become priya, as three Unseelie princes have descended upon her, and Barrons has to work for months to try to set her back to rights. Once she gets there she has a horde of sidhe seers to work with, and keep her feelings for Barrons in check. But when her sister's killer holds her parents hostage, attempting to force Mac's help in obtaining the Sinsar Dubh, things go awfully wrong.
I really enjoyed this book. Like I mentioned before, I can't stand cliffhangers and it really bothers me that I have to wait until January to find out what happens. I love Mac and Barrons and all that they are working for. I highly recommend this series.

1 comment:

MrsMixx said...

this is the worst cliffhanger ever lol I was going mad at the end of this book.
I'm very happy that next book will be huge...around 700pages !! Woot wooot
But when it'll come out you'll have a baaaaaaaaaaaaby in your arms! *g*