This story is a lot shorter than I remember it being when I was a kid. Although the story is still good, I wish Mr. Irving would have made this story longer. Though he followed the tale of Ichobad Crane’s “life” that ended the story with an encounter with the headless horseman that seriously eluded to the dirtbag by the name of Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt being responsible and not the mythical headless horseman.
Though it was good and I highly recommend everyone read this story, it is quite short, easy to read because it’s very conversational too.
see this is one of the classics i've never read in full...*hides in shame* I've never been very attracted to this legend, strange huh? It looks gloomy, but i might be wrong lol i should read it to know the answer ;)
I bet it would take 2 hours to read max. It's worth a try. You liked the Hollow right? That trilogy was inspired by this story :)
yep i really enjoyed it but the little exerps from Sleepy Hollow at the beginning of each chapter didn't really make much sense to me. I'm not saying i won't read it though because it's definitely a huge legend that inspired a lot of books
it's a quick read, you won't have trouble with it. i agree that it can be a bit difficult to follow when you have excerpts like that.
yep i agree that the whole story would be better ;)
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