This short story follows Elysia and Darien after the fall of civilization. As the world falls into a new Dark Age, it Elysia and Darien are being plagued by animal spirits. Fox for Elysia, Bear for Darien. After a series of unfortunate events they set out to the wilderness the spirits have called them to. Their destiny with each other and the future of mankind hangs in the balance.
I really liked this and I'm looking forward to reading the Aspect of the Crow trilogy as soon as I actually have some time to do so! I highly recommend you read it. Another really cool perk that means you should do this NOW? It's completely free on Amazon as an ebook. Read it on your Kindle, your iPhone, or your computer.
Go to for more information about Smith-Ready and her other books that are available. You can also catch her twittering about as @jsmithready!
See i've been looking forward reading this series for a while and totally forgot about it. I'll have to go look for this free prequel...usually FREE on Kinddle in the US means Taxes for outside US. But i'll still take a look it can't hurt lol.
I will be waiting for your review of this trilogy when you get to read it =D I love Jeri's other series so it's win win
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