Monday, December 7, 2009

Good News Everyone!

Alright, I've got my outline done for the first book of The Earthen Witch Series. I've actually had it done for a few weeks, but life kept getting in the way from actually getting it fully written out.

I was finally able to get a good large chunk of time writing yesterday, about 5-6 hours total, I wasn't counting. I have to tell you, I have a long way to go. The best part is that I'm having a blast!

I managed, in my decent sized time slot, to get about 7,000 words completed! Many writers shoot for 1,000 a day! I was very pleasantly suprised at how useful my outline has become.

I know Connor and Aisling from the inside out, and I know who they meet and know along their journey and I couldn't be happier that I know what's going on before I get there. Sure, I may find something I want to add that wasn't already in my outline, but I definitely found that having that outline out and at my disposal, I would have completely forgotten some significant parts!

So in essentially 2 days of outlining (about 500 words or so) I managed to mash out 4 chapters and 7,000 words. To give you a bit of an idea, I outlined for roughly a month, some more detailed than others. I'm not a math genious--hence being a writer--but I'm guessing this book is going to be a very nice length! I would say, probably 100,000 or perhaps more, depending on how much detail I actually provide.

Here's my goals with this draft, my ultimate plot-to-destroy-the-world-Pinky plan! I'm going to work my hardest to get as much time as I can during the week, even if it's only for an hour, every bit of time counts. During the weekends, if I actually don't get lazy and decide to watch a movie (which I'm promising myself I'm not gonna do!), I'm planning on *crosses fingers* another 5-6 hours on BOTH Saturdays and Sundays. So based on my non-analytical brain workin' math, if I did about 7,000 words in that 6 hours, I did just over 1,000 words per hour.

So let's do the math here. Working 1 hour every night Monday through Friday = 5,000 words, and another 7,000 words on each weekend day which would equal 14,000 words. Week days till Christmas: 13 (I'm counting Christmas Eve as a weekend day); Weekend days till Christmas: 5.

Crapz! I'm only at 55,000 words! That would MAYBE get me halfway through. So much for trying to get everything done by Christmas. Never fear! I will work my hardest and get done ASAP. If I'm not done by Christmas, I will be done soon after that because I'm on vacation until January 4th! WOOT!

I'll keep you guys posted on my progress! Wish me luck! Are you excited yet?


MrsMixx said...

*waves hand frantically in the air* I am I am!!! YAy that's such good news! That's a lot of work ahead of you but the best part is that you're enjoying everypart of the process.
I can't wait to know more about your progress! And i can't wait to learn more about Ailsing and Connor! Damn i feel like i know them already *g*
Ohhhhh and yay for choosing this title for the series The Earthen Witch series is a damn good name (stop saying Damn Caroline, Damn it!)

MrsMixx said...
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MrsMixx said...

ughh sorry about that, i posted it twice...i'm such a blonde sometimes (as in always lol)

Stories of a Phoenix said...

Hehe, multiples are ok, they happen sometimes. I'm glad you're excited and I do plan on keeping you up to date as much as I can. I'm glad you like the title. I haven't figured out a perfect title for book 1 itself, but I'm likin' the series title! Thanks for your support! :) As always.

Stories of a Phoenix said...

huh. maybe i've lost my sense of color, but you don't LOOK blonde.. maybe it's me.